Chhampa Shing Bhutan Travel

Sonam Gyeltshen

Sonam Gyeltshen is the founder and managing director of Chhampa Shing Bhutan Travel. He speaks fluent English and good French. He brings a decade of experience with him, having worked as a tour leader with some of Bhutan’s leading tour companies. He is familiar with all of Bhutan’s trekking routes and has forged reliable relationships with hotels, museums, monasteries and many small businesses and locals along the way. Some of his repeat clients are: GNH, GNH Centre Bhutan, Aro Pilgimages.

Sonam oversees all aspects of your tour and has chosen a highly experienced, friendly, professional   team; all dedicated to ensuring you enjoy your chosen experience to the fullest. Chhampa Shing Bhutan Travel offer tailor made unique tours.  These include – Botanical, festivals, bird watching, motor biking, mountain biking, canoeing religious pilgrimages?  Even venturing into remote, less visited parts of the county on horseback.

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